Wednesday, 31 July 2019

The Big Move

Today at Matawai School it was time the old blue and white dental clinic, moved up the hill to a little house where the people that bought it live. The dental clinic had lots of history behind it. The yellow digger roared itself into life. A man hooked the strong thick metal chain onto the digger, the clinic was ready to go. The digger pulled back but the chain broke with a loud 'snap'. The men put the chain back together and the digger tried again tugging at the chain. Suddenly, it moved. The powerful digger towed it up over the ditch and through the ruined fence. Then, there was a big pine tree in the way (well, not the whole pine tree but two long fat branches.) The digger pushed and it snapped with a mighty 'crack'. Soon the building got to its new home.

Matawai Action Selfie

Today I was learning how to use the camera app and take an action selfie. We put our action selfie onto a back round.
I enjoyed having a funny time trying to find the perfect action selfie with my buddy.
I found it challenging to find where to put me in the tree. My photo seemed like I was doing ballet in a tree!
My digital learning object shows now I can use camera and take an action selfie! I can show my parents how to do at home (maybe?)
Next time I would change the action that I am doing and what I am doing.

Monday, 29 July 2019

Winter Poem

Today I was learning how to record a poem with screencastify.
I enjoyed making my poem.
I found it challenging to find the perfect video of my poem, I had to trash some of them.
My digital learning object shows how I can use screencastify.
Next time I would change the words I put in my poem.

Thursday, 4 July 2019



Did you know Reindeer live in Europe?
Upon the Reindeer’s back is white, cold icy snow.
Reindeer running through the white forest.
The Reindeer are fighting with their antlers banging together.
Rapidly galloping upon the bushy snow.

Winter jackets.

Monday, 1 July 2019

Three Toed Sloth

The Three Toed Sloth
We watched a video clip about the 3 toed sloth and got some rich words and sentences to put in a story:
The Three Toed Sloth, Its the leaves she’s after. And she’s ravenously hungry.
Eating rubbery tough leaves of the rain forest. Rubbery leaves are indigestible but that still hasn’t stopped the sloth. With large peg-like teeth sloths can manage eating the rain forest leaves.
 It takes two weeks to process a single meal. Rain forest leaves are full of chemicals.
Three Toed Sloths spend as little energy as possible. Sloths have the slowest digestion of any mammal. Sloths have a choice to eat more or do less. They choose to do less.